A Call to Arms for God's Faithful Remnant

Posted by Rockey Jackson on Saturday, July 21, 2018

I recently had an interesting experience that led to this post. As I've watched God's enemies gearing up for the midterm elections, I also have felt led to make more posts in favor of the President and draining the swamp. A few days ago the Lord led me to post the following:

“For those who are paying attention, our society is being prepared for the plug to be pulled from the swamp. The four main information sources are twitter, Fox News (Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity), QANON, and the congressional judicial committee hearings. They are helped by those who share on social media. To see some of the results, check out the Walk Away movement. (First the natural, then the spiritual. 1 Cor. 15:46) Now is not the time to remain silent. Remember that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” (7/16/18)

I felt that if it was indeed the leading of the Lord that there would be a response. Sure enough, right after that post a few trolls started making adverse comments on my posts. One of the common themes was: “How can you support someone so evil?” To me, that is a funny and hypocritical question coming from those who condone and want to normalize every form of perversion. Anyway, it is obvious that in their view of Trump supporters we should be aghast if the President is accused of being evil. If I responded that I don't see the President as evil, then they would commonly try to set a trap by asking a question that required a theological response. When I answered that, then I was accused of retreating into religion. Personally, I learned a long time ago that God wasn't kind to people of religion. In the 23rd chapter of Matthew Jesus pronounced seven woes on self righteous people of religion. What I also learned is that the Father has always wanted a personal relationship with the people of His creation. He calls them names like “a friend of God,” “a man after my own heart” and “beloved disciple.” So I never retreat into religion, but I do live in relationship with my Lord and my God 24/7. In response He has made His Holy Spirit to live within me as a friend who is closer than a brother. To bring this story to a close, it ended with one of the trolls calling me a hypocrite when, according to their belief of what my moral code should be, they felt that they had trapped me in a moral contradiction. However, I'm still here happy and free. All they have in their hypocrite trap is a caricature drawn by their own imagination. I'm sure that many others can share similar stories. It gave me an empathy for Alice and what she must have felt during her adventures in Wonderland.

When our nation made a covenant with death in 2008 and confirmed it in 2012, I thought that our nation was doomed. I didn't think that my prayers that the Lord should take our nation and our people through whatever we had to go through to bring us to repentance and revival would be answered. Little did I know that He was doing exactly what I desired. Then as the 2016 election approached, God gave me a new hope and His people a stunning victory. Sun Tzu said: "Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. I want to assure everyone that the war has already been won. It was won by prayer warriors who have interceded for years in the privacy of their prayer closets. It was won by those who the Lord found willing to stand in the gap and slow the enemy's advance. It was won by the remnant of God's people who humbled themselves, prayed, sought the Lord's face and turned from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). Most importantly, it has been won by our Lord who has been merciful to us, stemmed the tide and set our nation's great awakening in motion. In my spirit I felt the tide turn during the restroom debacle before the 2016 election. Since that time we have been on the offensive, engaged in a war of attrition that must continue until we complete the victory.

In the European Theater of WWII, the war was won on the steppes of Russia, the skies over England, in the code rooms of Bletchley Park and in the factories of America all before the D-Day landings at Normandy ever occurred, but the war of attrition continued until Germany capitulated. In the Pacific Theater the war was won at Guadalcanal, the Coral Sea, the ship yards of America and the code rooms of Pearl Harbor before the battle of Midway was fought. However, again, the war of attrition continued until the Empire of Japan surrendered. In each case, the enemy made one last desperate attempt to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. For Hitler it was the Battle of the Bulge and for the Empire of Japan it was the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

The enemies of God's purpose for America believe they have a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. I believe the midterm elections are their Battle of the Bulge. If they win a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, then they plan to impeach President Trump and Vice President Pence. Their Speaker of the House would then be installed as President. In the Band of Brothers miniseries I was struck by the scene where the soldiers of Easy Company were still in France. Knowing that the war was already won they no longer wanted to risk their lives fighting the war of attrition that would bring the ultimate victory. Then they were thrust into combat and were part of the desperate defense of Bastogne, the city that was surrounded and cut off during the Battle of the Bulge. From then on they did not let up until absolute victory was achieved.

Now is not the time to be complacent and satisfied with what has already been achieved. The war of attrition is still being fought. Now is the time to put on the Lord's armor and run to the sound of battle. Answer the call to arms. Take up the commission the Lord has given: intercession, sharing posts on social media, speaking up for the truth, teaching, reporting in alternate media, serving in government or whatever it may be. You may not influence many, but influence as many as you can! Now is not the time to remain silent. Remember that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

Tags: trump "midterm election" "draining the swamp" 
